Sunday, August 9, 2009


So, as you may have determined by my laissez-faire attitude toward this blog, I have the attention span of a hummingbird. I get all gung ho about something, and start it with every intention of seeing it through, then….wow , look how sparkly that is! Ummm…what was I saying?

Since my last post I looked into Shopaholics/Debtors Anonymous and found them too Jesus oriented for my taste. Then I hit the bookstore. In a fit of irony, I spent money on books about how to stop spending money. I love irony. I am working my way through Deepak Chopra’s “Freedom From Addiction” which is actually pretty interesting. I am a fan of his “authentic beliefs”, especially the first one “I am doing my best given my current psychological and spiritual resources.” That really applies to my entire life. I am in flux, but I am doing the best I can trying to figure out if I want to stay married, deal with family situations, work difficulties and just the trials and tribulations that are part of everyday life. Usually, when there is a problem I block it out with a pile of new items. I am trying to find other ways to soothe my anxiety, agitation and loneliness.

I will cop to going to a networking event/happy hour with a great friend I hadn’t seen in a while, and she needed me to help her go shoe shopping, and I bought two pairs of shoes. However, as a mitigating factor, one was the PERFECT pair of pointy black high heels and those are almost impossible to find in a size 11. And it was buy one get one for half off, so I got some new gym shoes. I consider those 2 pairs of shoes investments. They will never go out of style.

I have made tiny steps forward in my anti-spending campaign. I no longer carry $100 cash with me, as it is waaay too easy to drop in to a Starbucks, QT, McDonalds (fries – yay!) or other, similar place and drop $5 to $10 multiple times a week. It has REALLY cut down on that random, throw away spending. That may sound ridiculous, but try it and see how much of a difference it makes.

I am not going to front that I am not still spending more money than I should. I have just barely started this journey. I have, however, exchanged “stuff” for “experiences” and am now spending on events, trips and activities with all my friends that create memories and enhance my quality of life as opposed to items that just create clutter.

I am going to add “update blog” to my G1 calendar so that I don’t continue to flake it off. I promise!